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Step one for any engagement is to quickly build a deep understanding of the business, its plans, and of course the day-to-day challenges.  I’ve seen the good, the bad and the ugly, nothing phases me.

This takes the shape of an extensive set of survey questions that gives me total clarity on the business.


Following this deep dive, I then meet with the CEO on a weekly or fortnightly cadence.

coaching flavour

Given my wide breadth of experience, my support is part coaching, part strategy, part mentor, part motivator, part helper, part therapist!  I know what bad, good and excellent looks like so I can help diagnose real problems helping the CEO to focus on what really matters.  


There is nothing worse than misdiagnosing a problem and then ‘solving’ the wrong thing.  This happens frequently where, for example, sales is often seen as the issue, when actually the real problem lies elsewhere.


 I’ve been there in the trenches for 25 years so can also empathise deeply with the very unnatural and insanely high-pressured job that is being the CEO.

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