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Hi, I'm Paul Fifield! I'm an entrepreneur turned coach for CEOs at VC-backed startups 


After 25 years of building companies, with the last 12 years focussed on tech where I have played a significant role in creating over $1.5B in value, 1200 jobs, $200M in combined revenue and raised over $100M in venture capital from US investors across four companies, I've now hung up my operator boots.  


I now have a portfolio of direct coaching clients and see it as a privilege to support the next wave of entrepreneurs aiming to build world-class companies. I believe the best way to have an impact is by working directly with the CEO in a relatively high-touch, supporting role. 


The CEO is usually the last person to get adequate support, and they should be the first! My career has many examples of external CEO support having a game-changing impact, and in some cases, being the difference between the life and death of a company. 

In addition to my coaching, I am also an Entrepreneur-In-Residence at Episode 1 Ventures in London and an Operating Advisor for Bessemer Venture Partners in the US. 


You can see my career history on LinkedIn here.

About Me

Areas of Expertise.

How I can help 

I have a deep level of experience in the following areas: 

  • All aspects of GTM from zero to $50M + with a large network of the best talent in GTM in the UK and US 

  • US expansion - I have done this 3 times successfully 

  • Raising capital, especially in the US (significant network of VC contacts in the UK and the US) 

  • Emotional, psychological and mental health support 

  • Operationally running an international company into the hundreds of people 

  • Developing strong cultures 

  • Organisational design 

  • All aspects of hiring and employee lifecycles 

  • Developing a strong management team 

  • Creating employee incentive programs 

  • Communication design and organisational rhythm 

  • A sounding board for strategy 

  • Identifying CEO blind spots 

  • Supporting on how to get the best out of the board 

  • Support with ruthless prioritisation and focus

Engagement Options 


Engagements can vary depending on the specific need but the optimal engagement for the highest impact is:. 

  • Weekly 1-hour call  

  • Short ad hoc calls for specific advice and help 

  • Whatsapp help/support

  • 2 hours of follow-up and ad hoc work 

Alternatively, a lower cadence of calls

  • Fortnightly 1-hour call 

  • Short ad hoc calls for specific advice and help 

  • Whatsapp help/support

  • 1 hour of follow-up and ad hoc work  

Let's Talk
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